Top Landing Pages & Usability Tips:

This article offers top level considerations for your website’s landing pages. Any landing page where a visitor enters your site should be of great importance and aligned with organisational goals. Consider how your brand or promotion is being received in a digital era where the attention span of web traffic is plummeting. Also, consider that landing pages are an important part of your website content hierarchy, and traffic to these pages can be from website referral, organic and/or Google AdWords paid search as well as social and email channels. Landing pages form the basis from which you can turn web visitors into relationships before they bounce.

Computer - Kid Doing Some Digital Marketing

Much of this is based on a Google presentation by Shane Cassells (Online Conversion Expert) as well as various other professional tips / sources.

Consider the following:

How much time & thought is spent by web users doing the following:

Landing Pages: The Key Ingredients:


Confirm for the user that what they clicked on to visit your website is here on your landing page:


Speed covers a broader volume of issues. This includes:

First Impression

From the moment a web-visitor first clicks on whatever brought them to your site, the clock is ticking. And with each passing nanosecond the visitor is judging your website:


Consider the design elements that impact on the first impression discussed above:


Use Images of happy people doing something that relates to your business’s unique value proposition:


SEO is important, and leans towards text content improvements, but for landing pages: Keep it short, keep it sweet, and don’t stuff keywords into your copy.

Landing Pages - What's on the shelf that makes you different?Call to action

Ask yourself – Why did you build a website? Because everyone else has one? Wrong answer.

Value Proposition

Promote your differentiation from the competition:


We’re all sheep (not really – let the rabbits wear glasses!). And, we like to do what other people are doing (or have done):


And lastly, Do not build websites based on Hippos (Highest paid person’s opinion). 

Highest Paid Persons Opinion - SEO Fail


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